
¡Descubre cómo ChatCSV se ha convertido en tu nuevo analista de datos personal! Carga tus archivos CSV, haz preguntas y obtén respuestas visuales de manera fácil. ¡El análisis de datos al alcance de tu mano!


About ChatCSV

ChatCSV is a revolutionary tool that allows you to analyze CSV data in a more conversational and intuitive way. With ChatCSV, you can upload your CSV files and ask questions in natural language to get quick information and visualizations. It’s like having your own personal data analyst who answers your questions about your spreadsheets.

Main Features

  • Chat with your CSV: Start a conversation by uploading your CSV file from your computer, a URL, or the clipboard.
  • Quick start questions: Once uploaded, ChatCSV will generate some common questions about your data to help you get started quickly.
  • View the answers: ChatCSV responds with visual charts to your visual questions. You can ask for a bar chart, pie chart, or any type of visualization you want.
  • Chat history: Keep track of your conversations and revisit them at any time. You can rename them, delete them, or share them with colleagues.

Useful in Many Industries

ChatCSV is a versatile tool that can be used in many industries to help you understand your data in an easier and faster way.

  • Retail and E-Commerce: Understand trends, customer behavior, and inventory management.
  • Finance and Banking: Quickly visualize trends and transactions by speaking the same way you talk.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Easily analyze campaigns, demographic data, and market studies.

What People Are Saying

Some of our users have been kind enough to share their experience with ChatCSV:

Steven Tey: This is amazing! Great job.

Joe: Oh, this is very well done, Sam.

Amit: This will make reading CSV much easier!

Madni Aghadi: Incredible tool.

Andrew Zachary: Promising look with a great free plan to start.

Rahul: ChatCSV is definitely helpful for beginners in Excel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is ChatCSV free? Yes, ChatCSV has a free option available. It also offers paid plans with additional features.

Can I try ChatCSV with a demo? Yes, you can try ChatCSV with a demo to see all its functionalities.

Does ChatCSV have a white-label option available? Yes, ChatCSV offers a white-label option for those who want to customize the tool according to their needs.

Does ChatCSV have an available API? Yes, ChatCSV has an API available for those who want to integrate the tool into their own applications.

What does the acquisition of ChatCSV by Flatfile mean for me? The acquisition by Flatfile means increased investment in the development of ChatCSV and better resources to provide an even better service.

Will there be any service disruptions during this transition? There should not be any service disruptions during this transition. We are working to ensure a smooth transition for our users.


ChatCSV is a powerful tool that allows you to analyze CSV data in a more conversational and accessible way. With intuitive features and an easy-to-use interface, it is ideal for spreadsheet beginners and professionals looking for a more efficient way to work with their data. Try it now and discover how much easier it can be to work with your spreadsheets. Join the conversation with your data!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is ChatCSV free? Yes, ChatCSV has a free option available. It also offers paid plans with additional features.


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